Esports League

YE Virtual Afterschool Program
YE Virtual Afterschool Program is exclusively for those in grades 1st-12th.
Enjoy your own snack relax, hang out, study, do homework, projects, after school.
Friday Game Day / Movie Day
Please check our monthly calendar for updated times and dates of movies and Game Day events.
For more information, please contact Ms. Rae at 610-623-6430 or [email protected]g
Teen Advisory Board (TAB)
What is TAB?
Teen Advisory Board is a group of dedicated high school students who are interested in making a difference at their library. TAB members play a critical role in developing the library’s young adult collection, young adult outreach, event planning and marketing, and making the library a friendlier place for young adults.
TAB membership is a commitment of time; TAB meetings are once a month for two hours. Members will earn community service credit and will have a direct impact on the young adult section of the library.
- Must be a high school student.
- Must be willing to commit 2 hours once a month for meetings.
- Must be willing to volunteer 5 hours every year in the library.
- Must enjoy working in a team environment.
- Must be interested in the library and improving library services for teens.
- Must keep in good standing with the library, meaning no library fees over $5.
- Meetings begin on time.
- Sign in and out of meetings to record volunteer hours.
- Participate fully, please turn all electronic devices off.
- Respect the staff, each other, and the space.
- Attend meetings. After three unexcused absences, a TAB member will lose his or her position and must reapply for membership.
- TAB members must be voted in by the sitting Teen Advisory Board. TAB membership is limited to 12 people.
- Be a responsible library user and a role model at TAB and other library functions; act in a way that reflects positively on Yeadon Public Library.
- Be an advocate. Promote reading and library use.
When & Where
Grades 9-12
Every 3rd Saturday, Noon – 1:00 pm
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Yeadon Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is to encourage high school-aged students to become life-long library users through the promotion of reading, volunteerism, and participation in the library, and to assist the library in both developing and implementing programs, which serve local teens.
Yeadon Public Library recognizes its duty in promoting citizenship and literacy and believes that creating a teen-friendly environment is essential in sustaining a healthy, thriving community. To uphold this responsibility, the Teen Advisory Board aims to give the library a new perspective on youth and youth a new perspective on libraries.